Real Cape Town: THE DORP – 40 days of our lives ( full movie )

Real Cape Town: THE DORP – 40 days of our lives ( full movie )

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A place on the Cape Flats in 2009: A society challenged by gang violence and drug abuse but with people involved that want to make a difference. They wish and work for change in this unvaried day to day life. We follow four characters representing four generations (childhood, youth, adulthood and senior) through their neighbourhood. We meet their friends and family and get insights into their schools and cultural activities. They see their surroundings out of different angles and find themselves in different situations. But they all wish for better, for a brighter future. Young David “Junior” wants to become a soccer star, the 17 year old Nicole enjoys her new freedom as a young adolescent, businessman Paul wants a good career for his two daughters and pushes them to the limits of their ability, and the senior Marlene observes the procedures around her with her wise old eyes. THE DORP does not hold much for the youth to stay away from drugs, crime and gangs. The frustration about this dreary existence finds expression in a violent clash with Police and Metro Police — one of the biggest community uprisings against the authorities in the area since Apartheid has ended.



Ismael 000 says:

I wish I knew you all.

Athini Prettyking says:

Cape Town is strange

I hardly believe it's in South Africa

Andre Du Plessis says:

The Police did nothing wrong and thy actaully talked about having a meeting to sort everything out.

Elvis Ameb says:

I liked it very real and into the peoples daily lives… I'm coloured this is my people I'm still proud of them even when things are tough they have a way to smile and be positive, Our spirits are always good I just hope we can win this war on gangster-ism, Drugs and teenage pregnancies… I believe we can and we should start it our self, cause the GRN don't care and likes it they are worst then the white GRN…

Desert Bloomz says:

Na Na Na Ni Na Na mMmM HmMmm lmao ok lady with the icecream 48:45 hell she put a light on this sad program.

Franix BW says:

Where is Junior now?i hope he makes it in life

Tamrin says:

The lunatics are running the asylum. Here we have 'black' adults indoctrinating the minds of mostly 'black' children on the 'white Jesus' & christianity mind disease? This is just sick!

yokozuna165 says:

thank you for doing this documentary. really just made me so sad – i thought things had really really changed…but nope

Unknown Unknown says:

I lost a close friend in the flats a number of years ago. His name was Luke Human… an artist. Found with his hands tied behind his back and a bullet in the head. Such a shame. Apartheid was wrong. I headed up a specialist operation in the SADF that went through some serious battles against Chris Hani, who was the leader of Umkhonto we Sizwe, the fighting wing of the ANC. Considering some of my best friends were Africans from Durban… you have no idea how hard it was to fight against them. I was 17 years old at the time the operation started. Once I got discharged… I never picked up a weapon again. Scarred for life. So many people think they understand Africa… they don't. The beauty of Africa was in it's simplicity. Once Europeans got hold of it… the real problem started. TIA… THIS IS AFRICA. Only those that have lived there will understand those three words. RIP Luke and all those that lost their lives in the twisted regime of apartheid.

Flemstone says:

These children were taught to be Christian by the very people who oppressed them. When I went to a whites only government subsided school as a kid. We had Christianity rammed down our throats. Religious education exposed us to one religion only. And this is why the majority of people are Christian. Within the Coloured and black communities there are various religions. None of them were catered for. If children were taught up different religions in an objective manner, I'm convinced that many of them would not be religious. As they would soon be able to spot the similarities and conclude that none of them are true. What I saw was brain washing pure and simple. Keep religion out of schools. It breeds intolerance and prevents free thinking.

How any person of colour can be a Christian astounds me.

John M says:

Most of these criminals and thugs grew up without fathers, and were raised by single mothers. This is what happens when boys grow up without fathers. They grow up to be criminals and thugs.

Milen Kacharmazov says:

WTF, South Africa stinks.

Simon Jackson says:

I used to live in that area

Uncle Timo says:

I positively adore the old lady.

The Guru of Kang says:

Very nice that a teacher in the classroom teaches the children about "rape of africa by the white kolonisator" and other bulshit so the young people learn how to become racists. Shame on you !

Schauder Productions says:

PLEASE WATCH SHORT FILM : 'My School in a Township' produced by Schauder Productions- Made in Port Elizabeth, South Africa

ATV Clarence Mentor says:

So when are you guys doing a follow up?

Hans Franz says:

I don't know who is worse: the police who escalated the situation or the people from the community, who used this as an pretence to wreak havoc? Could everybody please try to be more civil and relaxed? Otherwise we'll never live in a prosperous and peaceful South Africa.

Beesblaas van tonder says:

what a stupid movie. Raise your low EQ if you kow what an EQ is by stop blaming others for your own stupidness. Low lifes always blames their short coings on better humans

nico van deventer says:

die probleem bly die goverment,vangdag,gister en eergigister

William Moffett says:

What an eye opener. I guess the hardest thing is to break the cycle. I feel for the people.

Wecome to Africa says:

can ya'll believe that the government of South African don't describe the people in this video as black? And the reason behind that is for them not to benefit equally compare to dark skinned black people.

jack ? says:


Poverty is only the concept …. and happiness is in ice-cream

justin dreyer says:

My bro Bruno singing my leader is Jesus Christ

BrooklyntoBrixton says:

I loved this thank you for posting it. I saw a documentary of Manenberg a couple years ago and your doc seemed to be a lot more hopeful. It was nice to see that just like rough areas in America there are lots of people who are working and trying to provide a better life for their family.

sean boyd-knowles says:

why couldn't they translate what the people are saying 'word for word?' I grew up in Canada and I can understand almost everything being said. I admit that I've only gotten through the first 3 mins but the man speaking to the children would be understood fine if they put the captions in 'word for word' rather then summarizing.

adam bahriz says:

what language is that

Rick Salazar says:

I think the subtitles are not necessary, at times i think it does not transmit the message after all they are speaking english most of the time. however i think it is an excellent documentary.

Yeah, same to you says:

The coloured people should stand up with the whites and the few well meaning black people to fight and speak against the evil and racist regime that rules South Africa.
If the so called government really cared about South Africa, then it would have been a much better place to live in. Now it's the rape and murder capital of the world.

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