Produced by Global Health Media Project in collaboration with Yoni Goodman. Download link:
Content review provided by experts from CDC, IFRC and UNICEF.
This animated film follows two people who go to a market and shows how they spread the virus to others. Eventually, their whole neighborhood gets infected. The film then explains ways we can protect ourselves and those around us. The story will continue in Part 2, in which a woman gets sick. Her family stays home so they don’t infect others, and shows the rules to follow to care for her safely.
The film makes the invisible coronavirus visible, and helps people grasp transmission in a simple and visual way. Through our experience with our animated films on cholera and Ebola, we learned that the image of the visible germ stays with people, helping them make the necessary behavior changes to protect themselves and others and prevent the disease from spreading.
This film is intended to help meet the need for better education and awareness that is critical in slowing and reversing the spread of this disease worldwide.
Director & Animator: Yoni Goodman
Producer & Story: Deborah Van Dyke
Associate producers: Peter Cardellichio, Mark Binder
English narration: Ayesha Casely-Hayford
Recording Technician: Tashomi Balfour
Music, Sound FX and Mix: Uri Kalian, Sweetsound
This animation was produced with support from TEPHINET (Training Programs in Epidemiology and Public Health Interventions Network), LDSC (Latter-day Saint Charities), IFRC (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies), and our individual and family donors from the Mad River Valley, Vermont, and beyond.
Copyright © 2020 Global Health Media Project