What Is After Windows 11? – www.office.com/setup

What Is After Windows 11? – www.office.com/setup

Microsoft finally launches its revamped Windows 11 after a long wait. It has a new look, a lot more functionality, and it runs faster than we tested. www office com setup enter key

Design & Visuals

The main update is apparently the look. The logo has a blue gradient effect that gives it a shiny effect when hovering over. It is also flat and does not change its angles. Everything has been updated in Windows 11. It’s more like a mix of Windows Vista and Windows 10. This is an eye-catching combination. This makes it stand out.

The task bar icons have been moved to the center by default. This gives it a Mac-like experience. The start menu no longer contains Tiles. The app drawer is now simpler and less ram-consuming. The App Drawer can be used to drag and rearrange applications. Because there are no live animations, it takes less RAM.

The icon design has also been updated. It now features a mixture of soft and flat gradients. New icons are available for every feature of the OS. The icons are more detailed and defined.

The Notification panel/control panel remains in the right-bottom corner. Other than the rounded edges, there have not been many changes. These rounded edges are part of the OS and can be seen in all windows.

Windows 11 retains all of the functions that were important in its earlier versions. office.com/myaccount access my office account


Windows 11 is supposed be fast. We tried it on a basic computer and it worked flawlessly. The process of using less RAM and making more space for important tasks has been simplified by removing all unnecessary animations. Microsoft promises that Windows 11 will improve the performance of the computer we have, even if it is older. However, the requirement section contradicts that statement.

What does it all mean for Microsoft Office?

Microsoft Office has not seen a major update in a while since the Microsoft 365 icon redesign. The new look for windows will be a continuation of the New Microsoft 365 or Office. The icons and looks of Windows will adapt to Microsoft 365 and Office applications. This is just like Microsoft does every day.

Microsoft Office and Microsoft 365 are expected to perform tasks smoothly with the new Microsoft Windows 11. We also believe that Microsoft Windows 11 will allow for more multitasking between Microsoft Office apps, making it easier to switch between them.


Microsoft follows that style every time it launches an operating system. It also gives the same look to major software’s such as Microsoft Office. As we saw with Windows 7, Microsoft gave the Microsoft Office a clean and simple look. This was well received. We hope Microsoft will follow that example and give the next major overhaul of Microsoft Office the same look, making it easier to use and more responsive for slower computers. office.com/setup



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