Weer Probeer – Early B and Agemi (Vani dal af Mysie) |

Weer Probeer – Early B and Agemi (Vani dal af Mysie) |

#earlyb, #agemi, #WeerProbeer

Heres and old but not forgetton Afrikaans love song by Early B and Agemi. Which was released back when the two Afrikaans rappers were still a team and rapping together.

Early B and Agemi is from Bloemendal in Port Elizabeth. Both had a passion and love for unique Afrikaans songs and writing lyrics. Giving meaning to the songs and making our local communities proud to be Coloured people.

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#AgemiAndEarl, #earlAndAgemi, #agemiSongs, #earlybSongs, #earlybMusic, #universalMusicSA, #afrikaansrap, #afrikaansemusiek, #afrikaans, #Ben10, #EarlSwarts



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