Ná ’n verlowing van amper vier jaar verbreek Leonie haar verhouding met Fritz, ’n beroemde dirigent en komponis. Fritz hanteer dit nie goed nie en word tronk toe gestuur ná ’n tref-en-trap-ongeluk terwyl hy onder die invloed is. Hy word later vanweë goeie gedrag vrygelaat, maar is geskok deur die skynheiligheid van die mense wat hom eens aanbid het.
After being engaged for almost four years, Leonie decides to end the relationship with Fritz, a famous conductor and composer. Fritz does not handle the break-up well and is sent to jail for a hit and run accident while under the influence. He is released for good behaviour but is shocked by the hypocrisy of the people who once idolised him.
Director: Koos Roets
Writer: Koos Roets
Stars: Don Leonard, Pieter Joubert, Trudi du Plessis
Country: South Africa
Language: Afrikaans | English
Release Date: 20 March 1972 (South Africa)
Runtime: 77 min
Color: Color
Production Co: Quadro Films
NOTE: I don’t claim ownership on this old South African movie and I believe they are out of copyright. I have credited the original production company and I have uploaded this video with the creative commons license attribution.