Music video by Ricus Nel performing Lekker Ou Jan (Lewendige Opname). (C) 2017 Sony Music Entertainm [...]
Music video by Andriëtte performing Napoleon (Live In Pretoria, The Shack, 2017). (C) 2017 Sony Mus [...]
Music video by Elandré, Elizma Theron, Juanita du Plessis, Kurt Darren, Nicholis Louw, Andriëtte, [...]
Music video by Demi Lee Moore performing Lei My Na Die Water (Live At Sun Arena – Time Square, [...]
Music video by Andriëtte performing The Spaniard (Live in Pretoria, The Shack, 2017). (C) 2017 Sony [...]
Music video by Bok Van Blerk performing Was (Live At Sun Arena – Time Square, Pretoria / 2019) [...]
Music video by Andriëtte performing Sewe Oseane (Live in Pretoria, The Shack, 2017). (C) 2017 Sony [...]
Music video by Snotkop, Brendan Peyper, Dirk van Niekerk, Elizma Theron, Kurt Darren, Lianie May, Li [...]
Music video by Jay du Plessis, Karlien Van Jaarsveld performing Da Vat Hy (Live At Sun Arena - Time [...]
Music video by Kurt Darren, Brendan Peyper, Juanita du Plessis, Refentse, Robbie Wessels, Snotkop, T [...]
Music video by Theuns Jordaan, Nicholis Louw, Kurt Darren, Brendan Peyper, Refentse, Elandré, Lieze [...]
Pretorianers sal hulle dalk tog moet staal vir beurtwater. Burgemeester Solly Msimanga het inwoners [...]
‘n Betoging word vandag by die landdroshof in Pretoria verwag wanneer 27 studente van die Universi [...]
Spokesperson Blessing Manale said, “We are writing a letter to AfriForum, giving them until Friday [...]
A Centurion teenager was killed for her cellphone in Trafalgar in KwaZulu-Natal on Wednesday. Shayle [...]
A Lynnwood mother and daughter lost their lives when their light aircraft crashed on Wednesday. Dece [...]
AfriForum said on Thursday that it was disgusted by the “destruction” of street name signs in Pr [...]
Johannesburg - Economist Dawie Roodt and his wife and children were attacked by four armed men in th [...]
Tshwane mayor Kgosientso Ramokgopa on Tuesday said that AfriForum's "right-wing rhetoric&q [...]