Microsoft has shown the future of mobile with the home screens available with Windows. It is known a [...]
Microsoft on July 1, 2020, shared with us a piece of good news about how we can enhance our collabor [...]
Portable document format is known as PDF file format which is generally used for e-books, flyers, fo [...]
If you are one of those users who prefer to do a Skype call to communicate then you will surely love [...]
Additionally, you will get system-level controls, notifications, and widgets that are seen in iOS, a [...]
Microsoft recently closed all new sign-ups for its top-rated Wunderlist app, that manages tasks for [...]
Wunderlist is a task and to-do management application that is used to manage various lists and manag [...]
If you only wish to run more than one version of Office then there are steps you can take to minimiz [...]
You can easily start using it by following the instructions given in this article. But before discus [...]
Microsoft offers its users several programs with endless features about which you might be unaware o [...]
Microsoft Teams gives you a whole lot of features to work with, such as video calling, file sharing, [...]
We all know that typing does take more time than writing for some content. With Office Windows 8 sof [...]
Most of the website’s popularity is gained due to its free video calling service. Microsoft Skype [...]
Microsoft updates have not been available for a long-time, so users are waiting for new updates to f [...]
Microsoft developed its very own app that works wonders if you are having an Office, Microsoft, Skyp [...]
The windows operating system is now getting a ginormous upgrade for Windows search with a tool that [...]
Sharing documents and inviting others to work on a single project together is the need of the hour. [...]
Have you ever heard of ‘Microsoft Lists’? If not, then read this article to know how this all-ne [...]
Microsoft Teams and Slack are two best known online collaborative tools that help you to connect. Sl [...]