Geniet Andriëtte se musiekvideo van KANNIE WARRIE.
Voeg die enkelsnit by jou speellys op die platf [...]
Geniet Andriëtte se musiekvideo van Ek Moes Dit Gesê Het
Geniet die enkelsnit of ander Andriëtte [...]
Download Andriette's nuwe album 'Perel Vir N Kroon' -
Music video by Andriet [...]
Music video by Andriëtte performing Napoleon (Live In Pretoria, The Shack, 2017). (C) 2017 Sony Mus [...]
Geniet Andriëtte se musiekvideo vir haar nuutste enkelsnit, "Sonder Liefde".
Luister die enkelsnit [...]
Music video by Andriëtte performing The Spaniard (Live in Pretoria, The Shack, 2017). (C) 2017 Sony [...]
Music video by Andriëtte performing Sewe Oseane (Live in Pretoria, The Shack, 2017). (C) 2017 Sony [...]
Official Music video for “Druppel In Die See” by Andriëtte. Download or stream hier [...]
Ek is nie die rightful owner van die video en die bield nie. [...]
Music video by Andriette performing Dinge. (C) 2011 Sony Music Entertainment Africa (Pty) Ltd – [...]
Related PostsZinkplaat Piekniek opie maan (drum cover) by Hawie Andriette – Jy Vat My HoërAnd [...]
Music video by Andriette performing Met Ander Woorde. (C) 2014 Sony Music Entertainment Africa (Pty) [...]
Best of Snotkop: Subscribe here: Music video by Snotkop, [...]
Music video by Snotkop, Elizma Theron, Andriette performing Afrikaanse Pret Medley. (C) 2017 South A [...]
Lyrics-Video for the Afrikaans' hit "Sewe Oseane"!
Lirieke-Video vir die Afrikaanse hit "Sewe Oseane [...]
Music video by Snotkop, Elizma Theron, Andriette performing Afrikaanse Pret Medley. (C) 2017 South A [...]
Lyrics-Video for the Afrikaans’ hit “Sewe Oseane”! Lirieke-Video vir die Afrikaans [...]
Music video by Andriëtte performing Mag Hy. (C) 2016 SME Africa (Pty) Ltd Rel [...]
Music video by Andriette performing Bittersoet Van Liefde. (C) 2015 SME Africa (Pty) Ltd http://vevo [...]