Durban - Calls for the removal and relocation of public statues linked to colonial rule was an “il [...]
“AfriForum requested its legal team to submit a formal complaint against Cricket South Africa (CSA [...]
AfriForum has launched a campaign against the ill-considered relocation and removal of statues in pu [...]
According to Johan Nortjé, a researcher associated with AfriForum, one of the reasons why states ex [...]
The group said that it had laid charges against the users for "instigating through social media [...]
Johannesburg - AfriForum Youth on Monday said its lawyers will serve a subpoena on the University of [...]
AfriForum Jeug het sy regspan opdrag gegee om voort te gaan met die opstel en uitreiking van ’n da [...]
Bloemfontein - AfriForum Youth on Monday said its lawyers will serve a subpoena on the University of [...]
Agriculture Minister Senzeni Zokwana and AfriForum met this week to discuss the safety of farmers an [...]
Johannesburg - Civil rights group AfriForum on Wednesday opened criminal cases against people who al [...]
The civil rights organisation, AfriForum, and agricultural organisation Agri SA today in Pretoria si [...]
Pretoria - Afriforum has joined the fray in the legal battle against the alleged land grab on a farm [...]
AfriForum het ʼn dringende afspraak met die minister van polisie, Nkosinathi Nhleko, versoek om [...]
Durban - Civil rights movement AfriForum and Agri SA have signed an agreement to combat crime togeth [...]
Die Hooggeregshof in Pretoria het AfriForum vandag toegelaat as ’n party in die hofaansoek om plak [...]
Civil rights organization AfriForum responded to President Jacob Zuma's undertaking that the AN [...]
The legal team of AfriForum Youth served a letter of demand on Professor Jonathan Jansen, Rector of [...]
But AfriForum said Pitso Montwedi, the chief director of human rights and humanitarian affairs in th [...]
The civil rights organisation AfriForum today submitted a complaint against the South African govern [...]