AfriForum launched a campaign on income tax recently‚ “after shocking statistics for 2015 indica [...]
Various faculties of the University of Stellenbosch (US) started sending out directives to anglicise [...]
From left to right is Solidarity"™s vice-president Hannatjie Thomhom, Steven Scott, president [...]
AfriForum welcomes the announcement by Lt-Gen. Khomotso Phahlane, acting National Police Commissione [...]
Spokesperson Blessing Manale said, “We are writing a letter to AfriForum, giving them until Friday [...]
NOT even Helen Joseph's name was good enough for AfriForum Youth after five of its members were [...]
AFRIFORUM, a non-profit South African civil-rights organisation linked to the Solidarity trade union [...]
Pretora - Yet another legal showdown over the street names is looming between AfriForum and the City [...]
Any plans by Eskom to cut the electricity supply to municipalities would be unlawful because of a pe [...]
AfriForum said on Thursday that it was disgusted by the “destruction” of street name signs in Pr [...]
AfriForum het vandag memorandums by vyftien ambassades oorhandig waarin die burgerregte-organisasie [...]
Afriforum reported that although the number of farm attacks was down slightly in 2015 from 2014, far [...]
AfriForum has informed Eskom that they standing ready to bring an urgent court application if the po [...]
Johannesburg - Civil rights organisation AfriForum on Wednesday released its own research showing 62 [...]
AfriForum movie said to detail ANC's 'tainted heroes'. South Africa; Friday 18 Decemb [...]
AfriForum movie said to detail ANC's 'tainted heroes'. South Africa; Friday 18 Decemb [...]
Cape Town - The African National Congress' (ANC) violent campaign to silence its opposition dur [...]
AfriForum welcomed the decision of the Council of the University of Stellenbosch (US) last night, na [...]
AfriForum came to an agreement with the well-known vehicle recovery company Ctrack to build a number [...]