AfriForum has warned the senate and management of the University of the Free State (UFS) by means of [...]
The civil rights organisation AfriForum Youth on Friday served notice on the University of Stellenbo [...]
The majority of these complaints had been brought to AfriForum's attention by members of the pu [...]
Tensions rise at Stellies between EFF & AfriForum students. AfriForum members got irate when an [...]
Cape Town - In an unusual show of unity, the ANC and its alliance partners joined hands with AfriFor [...]
Johannesburg – AfriForum announced the launch of an online campaign on Friday to support parents o [...]
Mojola said: "We are angered by apartheid tactics employed by AfriForum, a boerebond backward o [...]
CAPE TOWN - AfriForum Jeug says it will take legal action against Stellenbosch University and its co [...]
He said De la Rey had agreed to organise a meeting between AfriForum and the university's langu [...]
Cape Town – AfriForum on Thursday rejected attempts by the South African Police Minister to halt a [...]
AfriForum Youth and thousands of students today stood up against the demand of the EFF that Afrikaan [...]
AfriForum Youth says it will lay criminal charges itself against the #RhodesMustFall vandals if Dr M [...]
AfriForum Youth says it will lay criminal charges itself against the #RhodesMustFall vandals if Dr M [...]
AfriForum regards the controversial start to the 2016 State of the Nation address by President Zuma [...]
As time passed, explained local AfriForum chairperson Mr Wally Schultz, the “shambolic dysfunction [...]
THE RECORD recently spoke to the newly elected branch manager, Willie van Wyk, of the AfriForum bran [...]
The civil rights organisation AfriForum and the TAU SA announced today that South African farmers an [...]
The Midday Report host, Stephen Grootes, on Tuesday spoke to Ian Cameron from Afriforum's youth [...]
Dissolution of Pansalb a blow to language rights - AfriForum. 2016-01-15 11:35. Lizeka Tandwa, News2 [...]