AfriForum is of the opinion that the reaction to Steve Hofmeyr's remarks serves as confirmation [...]
A legal battle of more than two years between the Higher Education Transformation Network (HETN) and [...]
The affidavits and evidence submitted by AfriForum to the SAPS and NPA related to people resident on [...]
AfriForum today submitted a docket with evidence to the Hawks, indicating that "Dr" Marius [...]
Johannesburg - The ANC-led government's intention to introduce amendments to the Firearms Contr [...]
Criminal charges will be laid against EFF leader Julius Malema for allegedly assaulting a Limpopo ma [...]
AfriForum initially declined to join the furore surrounding the lyrics of Dookoom's controversi [...]
Pretoria - Criminal charges will be laid against EFF leader Julius Malema for allegedly assaulting a [...]
Afriforum is one of 16 applicants seeking a court order to prevent Eskom from cutting the power supp [...]
Civil rights group AfriForum has laid a complaint with the South African Human Rights Commission (SA [...]
Cape Town-based rap group Dookoom released their latest song Larney Jou P**s on Sunday, unleashing c [...]
CAPE TOWN - Civil rights group AfriForum has laid a complaint with the South African Human Rights Co [...]
AfriForum has called on Western Cape farmers to protect themselves and their property against the Eh [...]
The electricity to the communities who fall under the Dihlabeng, Ngwathe and Maluti a Phofung Munici [...]
AfriForum today submitted a third complaint this year, the second in only one month, at the Mpumalan [...]
AfriForum urges all South Africans in farming communities to get involved with safety structures. Th [...]
Johannesburg - Ukunyuswa kwamanani kagesi kusho ukuthi uzokwanda umthwalo osemahlombe abathengi njen [...]
The civil rights organisation, AfriForum, welcomed the announcement that Afrikaans news bulletins wi [...]
“Loyal South Africans should again cough up because Eskom is unable to recover their debt,” Afri [...]