Pass rate less than 45 percent: Afriforum. Sapa. Image: Supplied. The matric pass rate is less than [...]
The matric pass rate is less than 45 percent when considering how few of the pupils who enrolled in [...]
The call centre, which will be manned 365 days per year, will immediately (after an emergency call r [...] Pamphlets inciting violence against Afrikaans people are being circulated [...]
A legal team is preparing to submit an official complaint to the International Rugby Board (IRB), ag [...]
The call centre, which will be manned 365 days per year, will immediately (after an emergency call r [...]
AfriForum will fight any land grab policy with everything in our power," spokesman Nantes Kelde [...]
Civil rights organisation AfriForum submitted criminal charges against the leader of the Economic Fr [...]
Johannesburg - AfriForum on Wednesday laid criminal charges against EFF leader Julius Malema for his [...]
Ms Agnes Sesing, Manager of the Kuruman Public Hospital is facing criminal charges submitted against [...]
AfriForum is of the opinion that South Africans will find it increasingly difficult to exercise thei [...]
Stefan Pieterse, Provincial Coordinator for AfriForum in the Northern Cape, said the blood contamina [...]
Johannesburg - AfriForum on Thursday opened a case against ANC secretary general Gwede Mantashe and [...]
AfriForum will submit a complaint to the Department of Basic Education following an upsetting illust [...]
The representative “abused the platform” created by the forum to vehemently attack AfriForum and [...]
A legal battle of more than two years between the Higher Education Transformation Network (HETN) and [...]
AfriForum has submitted new legal opinion on the Protection of State Information Bill to President J [...]
Civil rights organization AfriForum condemned Dan Roodt of the Pro-Afrikaans Action Group (Praag) fo [...]
Cape Town - Civil rights organisation AfriForum on Thursday came out in condemnation of activist Dan [...]