My fav afrikaans song at the moment. If I step on anyone’s toes then please let me know, but I was so frustrated when I couldn’t find the song on you-tube that I made my own video. I don’t have any rights to the music or images :'( Enjoy!
My fav afrikaans song at the moment. If I step on anyone’s toes then please let me know, but I was so frustrated when I couldn’t find the song on you-tube that I made my own video. I don’t have any rights to the music or images :'( Enjoy!
Kept it as my ringtone for 3 years no regrets.
2020 still here.
This song is my favorite song ever l love it
dit is lekker mesik
. My sister se kind Liam like die liedjie
This was my teachers favorite song
Dit is bai snaaks????
Domste litjie oot gemaak
If you've been in South Africa you have a very good chance of hearing this song
I Dont no the things that they are saying but i understand there goes superman batman ironman spiderman but it is a good song And there goes Superman batman ironman spiderman lol
My name is Ali says an hour and I’m from South Africa and your your song we are doing for a showcase I think it’s my school
The cool song ever my teacher miss van rensburg she loves the song
Lame-Oooooo, trying to make a hit like 3 Doors Down…doesn''t work with doef-doef music
Ag dis die enigste afrikaanse liedjie wat ek like ek hou meer van engels al is my huistaal afrikaans
This is my fav afrikaans song i like english more even though afrikaans is my mothertounge
My naam is anton??
My sister se seun Liam 5 yr hou van die song dankie dat julle hom happy maak
I love this superme herero
fantasiese liedtjie ek stem saam met anton pragtige liedtjie en ek het all na miljoene liedjties geluister hierdie is 'n fanatastiese liedtjie ek moes hierdie ook dans toe ek jonger was
Where is the old south African flag when you need it 😛 😀
Thanks county fair for bringing me here
I love it I like Batman I called Batman as Fatman
my laste naam is ook Engelbrecht!!!!!!
Made me laugh