![Sketchy Medical – Coronavirus (Coronaviridae) [UPDATED] Sketchy Medical – Coronavirus (Coronaviridae) [UPDATED]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ICECfwMt10g/hqdefault.jpg)
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Try the 7-day free trial to watch this lesson and more from our Microbiology Course https://www.sketchy.com/explore/medical?utm_medium=organic_social&utm_source=youtube&utm_term=MDP_MICRO-Full-Lesson-Coron&
Coronavirus dominated 2020. Once upon a time we said this was a low-yield topic. Sadly, this is no longer true. This week, we updated Sketchy Micro with a brand new Coronavirus sketch.
Sketchy Micro is part of Sketchy Medical, which features this sketch, includes 800+ lessons covering high-yield topics for your preclinical and clinical years in one combined program which also preps you for USMLE Step 1, Step 2, wards and shelf exams.
We cover Microbiology, Pharmacology, Pathophysiology, Biochemistry, Ob/Gyn, Surgery and more!
From the tale of the golden staff of Aureus to the heist at Park & Sons bank… Adventure awaits!
Sketchy is the #1 visual learning platform brought to you from the creators of SketchyMicro and SketchyPharm. We turn what you need to know for your course prep and exams and into engaging, artful stories that you’ll remember forever. Rooted in an ancient memorization technique called the ‘method of loci,’ The Sketchy Method is proven to accelerate learning, increase retention, and improve test scores. (Trust us, we’re doctors.) Our comprehensive one-of-a-kind curriculum covers everything you need to know to conquer any subject—and have fun while doing it.
Sketchy has programs to help your study and improve your scores for USMLE, MCAT, PANCE, NCLEX, & NAPLEX!
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