• Download & Stream: https://Leah.lnk.to/WonderwerkYD
• Performance filmed and directed: Christian Wolf, Brick Wolf Creatives
• Production Manager: Jan-Louis Ludick
• Make-up: Kim Nell
• Styling: Werner Wessels
• Songwriters: Johan Vorster, Danny Smoke, Leah
• Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeahMusiekSA/?fref=ts
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/LeahSAFans
• Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leahmusieksa/
• Leah website: http://leahlive.co.za
(C) Inhoco Music Publishing
Record company: Inhoud Huis Musiek
Song available on the album: Leah – “Wonderwerk Deluxe”
Lief dit baie Leah
ek love haar ek is super mal oor haar number1# fan
i love this song !!! goeie werk Leah 😉
ek hou van jou liedjies
love dit awesome vidwo
Leah is awesome ek luister elke liewe dag haar songs !!!????????????????
i just love this song from when i first heard it and 2 months later its still one of the best.. …and you are such a beautiful girl…you go….girl..
ek is mal daar oor
Die is 'n mooi song..
Sy is mooi???? Di Song is mooi???? Di Video is mooi… Everything about this just screams PERFECTION
Met alle respek al die ander Afrikaanse vroulike sangerese kan gaan leer by Leah????
Hello almal leah is great ek love al haar song toe haar cd uitwas toe koop ek hom dadelik ek al haae song
what an awesome song….just love it….make it big….
Ek is ń groot fan van Leah sy sing baie mooi !!!!!!!!!
cool liedjie
I love jou museik leah jy is aswem
baie pragtig song, ek hou van afrikaans musiek! biettjie snaaks hoe julle die taal praat, lyk so much op ons Nederlands. love from Holland 🙂
pragtig Leah!
Min wat Afrikaans met n "beat" kan laat lewe..eks mal hieroor
Jou musiek laat my lewe!!!lol
My gunsteling op die oomblik
Ek love jou musiek Leah
P.S she sang at our school and I got her autograph
Wow Well done, Ongelooflik Mooi Leah!! 🙂
awesome music vid like the song
ons is vriends van leah hulle
awesome song leah sjoe jy mag mar sing en dans
Ek hou baie van Leah se liedtjies en ek is n "big fan " van haar
jy is my favourite sangeres ….. ♡¤☆