End of Covid pandemic 'in sight', says WHO: 'Now is the time to run'

End of Covid pandemic 'in sight', says WHO: 'Now is the time to run'

The end of the Covid-19 pandemic is ‘in sight’, the director general of the World Health Organization has announced, after revealing that weekly deaths from the virus around the world were at the lowest level since March 2020.
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Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the world had ‘never been in a better position’ to end the pandemic, but warned that the fight against Covid was not over yet.

‘We can see the finish line, we’re in a winning position,’ he said. ‘But now is the worst time to stop running. Now is the time to run harder and make sure we cross the line and reap the rewards of all our hard work.’

The weekly global deaths number on 5 September 2022 was 11,118, the WHO’s website said.

Covid world map: which countries have the most coronavirus vaccinations, cases and deaths? ► https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/01/covid-world-map-which-countries-have-the-most-coronavirus-vaccinations-cases-and-deaths

Covid in the UK: cases, deaths and vaccinations – the latest numbers ► https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/01/covid-19-uk-cases-deaths-vaccinations-latest-numbers-coronavirus-national-data

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