Amazingly Powerful Vocals from such a tiny lady.. always great performances from AMIRA!!
Follow AMIRA at her Links Below..
Original Video: https://youtu.be/z_WyjEj5DW8?si=vlLipV9l422olOw4
The above performances are included in the DVD of the full show entitled ‘Afrikaans is Groot 2016 – Dié Konsert’.
Copies of the DVD may be purchased from any ‘Musica’ store in South Africa or online from https://raru.co.za/music/5432721
International viewers may purchase the DVD online from the webshop of Amira’s charitable foundation, Stichting Gelukskinders: https://www.gelukskinders.org/en/store/
Purchasers are cautioned that the DVD is produced for the South African market (Region 2) and that most of the numbers on the DVD are popular and traditional Afrikaans compositions.
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use the PayPal Link above and get your request straight to the top!! List is right here:
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Twosday 2 Request – 2 Songs -$20
Triple Shot Thursday Requests – 3 songs – $50
Album Review Request – $75
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Any Gift ( Shirt, Hat, Poster, Etc..) = 1 Request
If You would like to send a Gift or a Monetary Donation Straight to us.. This is the Office Adress :
Please make Checks or Money Orders Payable To Linda Robinson..
Block Ent. United
401 Russel Hataway St.
Dry Prong , La.
All Rights and Credit are that of the Artists and those involved with the Artists, we are simply Promoting the Artists through Reactions and entertainment.. No Copyright Infringement is intended..
Album Review Score List:
1) Not For Me
1.5) 1 or 2 decent songs
2) Will add a song or 2 to the Playlist
2.5) will put a few songs on repeat
3) Might Buy The Album
3.5) Several songs stuck in my head, need to get the album
4) Buying the Album and putting it on repeat TODAY!!
4.5) Need The Album, Shirt, Hat, Poster for the Wall of Flames .. WOW!!
5) Can’t Happen.. No Album is Perfect!
Thank You so much for all of your support, don’t forget to Like , Comment, Share and Subscribe!! Have an Amazing Day!!!
Awsome stunning beautiful
O man, she,s good. Orchestra, perfect. Choir, perfect. Solo flute, perfect. Amira, perfect. What a performance. BEAUTIFUL.
Allow me some feedback. Honestly, this was the coldest reaction to Amira that this channel has ever made. In fact, it was the coldest reaction to that performance that any channel has ever made.
Both pieces of music are written by Ennio Morricone as part of the film score for The Mission. The beginning instrumental is called The River, and the tune behind Amira's song is Gabriel's Oboe. There are videos of Amira singing it when she was just 8, she was 12 at this concert. One of her great performances, they had to put extra shows on due to the numbers wanting to see Amira.