Kit Yates explains how he calculated that all the SARS-CoV-2 in the world would fit inside a Coke can – and discusses “Fermi Estimates”.
More links & stuff in full description below ↓↓↓
A little extra from this interview on Numberphile2: https://youtu.be/4qVM5CbKnF8
Kit Yates website: https://kityates.com
More coronavirus content on Numberphile…
The Coronavirus Curve with Ben Sparks: https://youtu.be/k6nLfCbAzgo
Math and Coronavirus with Kit Yates: https://youtu.be/mTvKQYTV0Yw
Statistics with Jennifer Rogers: https://youtu.be/gwlM0ulUsTY
Epidemiology with Adam Kucharski: https://youtu.be/f0pIho2TnSc
Crystal Balls with Hannah Fry: https://youtu.be/Xkqtcm3w7Vw
Coke cans in acid and base: https://youtu.be/WnPrtYUKke8
Coke can in liquid nitrogen: https://youtu.be/GIoxY9kECRE
The total number and mass of SARS-CoV-2 virions in an infected person: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.11.16.20232009v1
Inferred duration of infectious period of SARS-CoV-2: rapid scoping review and analysis of available evidence for asymptomatic and symptomatic
COVID-19 cases: https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/10/8/e039856
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