Die Pro (Full Movie)

Die Pro (Full Movie)

DIE PRO (“The Pro”) tells the story of a young surfer, Tiaan Nothnagel, that has to come to terms with the accidental death of his best friend, Dirkie Lawrence, just before their last year at school. After Dirkie’s death, Tiaan swears off surfing for good, as he can’t stand to be reminded of everything that he and Dirkie shared. But then, Dirkie’s twin sister (who went to live with their dad after their parents split up the previous year) arrives in town on a mission of her own: to be selected to go on Wave-Seekers, a fictional World Surf Tour and something that Tiaan and Dirkie dreamt of doing themselves. But for her to succeed, she needs Tiaan’s help, and by implication, she needs him to get back on his surfboard…He eventually gets back on and gets first place for wave seekers.



Michaela Bauer says:

There's no sound?

Molete Taunyane says:

I need to see the movie for my next exam

Molete Taunyane says:

Can you do suurlemoen for the next movie

Bianca Vd Westhuizen says:

Sit asb nog goeie flieks op.Julle movies is goed.

Ria S says:

Jammer van die klank.!!!

William Benade says:

Net jammer die klank is af in sekere dele goeie movie

Lea Minnaar says:

Die klank mense

Cricket Nathan says:

There no sound

Adri Badenhorst says:

Waar is die klank

Liza van den Berg says:

Nice movie, bad that the sound keep on going away.

shiree Simpson says:

nice movie, pitty about the sound


Dankie dankie dankie 1miljoen keer dankie

John Harlow says:

Lipstick dipstick ASB!!!!!

Louis van der Wath says:

Mikrofoon natgeraak?

Jani Liebenberg says:

Waar's die klank? Dit lyk na 'n goeie movie.

JUAN Erasmus says:

Sal jy asb vir as jy sing ook op sit

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