Soukous Breaks with Bopol Mansiamina! Champeta Africana
In popular music, a break is an instrumental or percussion section during a song derived from or related to stop-time – being a “break” from the main parts of the song or piece. A break is usually interpolated between sections of a song, to provide a sense of anticipation, signal the start of a new section, or create variety in the arrangement.
Dans la musique populaire, une pause est une section instrumentale ou de percussion au cours d’une chanson dérivée ou liée au temps d’arrêt – étant une « pause » par rapport aux parties principales de la chanson ou du morceau. Une pause est généralement interpolée entre les sections d’une chanson, pour donner un sentiment d’anticipation, signaler le début d’une nouvelle section ou créer de la variété dans l’arrangement.
En la música popular, una pausa es una sección instrumental o de percusión durante una canción derivada o relacionada con el tiempo detenido, siendo una “pausa” de las partes principales de la canción o pieza. Por lo general, se interpola una pausa entre secciones de una canción para proporcionar una sensación de anticipación, señalar el comienzo de una nueva sección o crear variedad en el arreglo.
Música Africana Picotero
#bopolmansiamina #champetaafricana #newvideo #africa #mix
#musicaafricana #african
0:00 Musica Africana Bopol Mansiamina Soukous Mixtape!!!????????
0:00 African Soukous Music Dance Music Bopol Mansiamina!!!????????
0:00 African Guitar Music Bopol Mansiamina Soukous Ethnic Congo Music!!!????????
Bio: Bopol or Don Paolo, was a prolific and renowned Congolese musician (bass player, guitar player most commonly as a rhythm guitarist, vocalist, composer, and producer). He recorded and performed extensively over four decades as a solo artist, as a member of leading African bands, and in support of many African musicians. Bopol was best known for his work in the 1980s and early 1990s as one of the four members of the Paris-based supergroup Les Quatre Etoiles (the 4 Stars) and as a solo artist.
From 1969 to 1978 Bopol was based in Zaire and played in a series of bands. He joined many of the leading Congolese musicians of the past and next generations including Ya Toupas with guitarist Pepe Manuaku, Orchestre Bamboula with Papa Noel, and Orchestre Continental with the late Josky Kiambukuta. After that time, he moved to West Africa for a few years to play with Sam Mangwana’s African All Stars band.
Bopol contributed to much of the best Congolese soukous music made during its 1980s and 90s heyday. His best work may be that from the early 1980s. “Manuela” is recognized among his outstanding tracks.
Much of his music is recognized as being highly danceable, although somewhat repetitive. Some of his songs – such as “Pitie, Je Veux La Reconciliation”, “Samedi Soir”, “Bety Bety” – were common staples on many 1980s dance floors around the world.
On his solo recordings, he consistently surrounded himself with stellar musicians. The guitar interplay between Bopol and his frequent collaborator, Syran Mbenza, has been described as “legendary.”
Bopol sadly died on 7 November 2021, at his home in Paris, of a stroke.
This made my day. Listening to the great work of Bopol is refreshing. 1:04:08 is explosive ???? ????????????
Shaddy you rock!! ????????
Keep it coming. Thanks a mil ????
Tremendo repertorio el de ese gran artista
Souvnirs souvenirs Bopol est un grand homme inoubliable c" etait la belle epoque avec lui oui il a vraiment marque' son temp bravo Bopol merci ????????❤❤❤❤❤