दिल धड़क धड़क जाये रे Dil Dhadak Dhadak Jaye Re Cg Song Lyrics in Hindi – Ishq Ma Risk He – Gaanaline

दिल धड़क धड़क जाये रे Dil Dhadak Dhadak Jaye Re Cg Song Lyrics in Hindi – Ishq Ma Risk He – Gaanaline

Dil Dhadak Dhadak Jaye Re Cg Song Lyrics in Hindi from cg movie Ishq Ma Risk He is latest cg song sung by Sunil Soni and Alka Chandrakar. Dil Dhadak Dhadak Jaye Re Cg song lyrics are panned down by Vijai Singh, Sanjay Surila, Navaldas Manikpuri, Chandraprakash and music given by Sunil Soni. This music video song is featuring by Mann Kuraishi, Anikriti Chowhan and video has been Directed by Alekh Chadhari.



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